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Sella Marine Collagen

Premium marine collagen that supplies your skin with all the essential nutrients from within.

Content: Zinc | Hyaluronic Acid | 13 Vitamins
Servings: 30 (1 month supply)
Taste: Neutral


About the product

Marine collagen peptides are a health ingredient made from fish and used in a variety of health and beauty products. Like bovine, porcine and other fish collagens, these collagen peptides are produced from 100% natural animal sources – in this case, the skins of wild-caught ocean fish. Marine collagen peptides are becoming more and more popular, both among consumers and manufacturers in the health, beauty and nutraceuticals markets.

Sella marine collagen peptides, Hyaluronic acid, Zinc, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B7, Vitamin B8, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E.

Peptides are the building blocks that together form proteins. Including one very important protein for beautiful skin: collagen. Collagen is known to keep the skin full and firm, but unfortunately our bodies make less of it as we age. Combine lower collagen production with damage from environmental factors such as the sun and air pollution and the formation of wrinkles is a potential consequence. Replenishing collagen is therefore essential for beautiful skin. Collagen can only be produced from the inside. Unlike regular collagen products, peptides can be well absorbed through the skin, making the result more effective. Peptides are also very communicative, because after absorption they instruct the skin cells to produce more collagen.

Most of the changes in your skin caused by aging happen in the dermis, which loses 30-80% of its thickness with age. From the age of 25, the natural production of collagen decreases every year and this is not supplemented. If you reach the age of 40, you will be able to see a clear loss of collagen. Your skin becomes less full and more wrinkles appear. By the time you reach age 50, you’ve lost about half of the collagen in your skin. In the first five years after menopause, there is a more pronounced drop in collagen production due to a significant drop in estrogen levels. 

Using Sella marine collagen can supplement your collagen loss at any age after 25, so even if you are 65 or older it still has a very positive effect. In this age category, the need for collagen is even greater because your digestive system absorbs nutrients less well.

With daily use there will be a visible improvement in skin condition and a decrease in wrinkles within 6 weeks.

After 15 days: You are already experiencing better hydrated skin and healthier hair.

After 30 days: You have fuller skin and more color and shine on the face, even the first fine lines fade.

After 60 days: Your skin looks visibly younger. You have a firm and radiant skin with fewer wrinkles and fine lines. Your hair quality has also visibly improved.

* One skin has a greater need for collagen than the other, skin, age and lifestyle play an important role in this. The norm is to see results within 6 weeks, but it may be that some people take a little longer than others. Patience is, literally and figuratively, a virtue when it comes to replenishing collagen. In addition to improving your skin, it also strengthens your hair, nails, bones, joints, cartilage, tendons and blood vessels. So it is wise to continue to use it consistently.

Studies have shown that 4 weeks after the last intake of Sella Marine Collagen, wrinkles and fine lines are still significantly reduced. The occasional and stop month is not a problem, but quitting completely is not an option to keep results.

In the 30 to 40 age group, it is highly recommended to start preventively supplementing your collagen levels with 1 scoop day or 1 scoop every other day.

The drop in collagen levels during the menopause period are significant. If you are in the age category of 40 to 60 years, we recommend that you start (immediately) with 1 scoop per day to supplement the collagen loss.

The use of Sella Marine Collagen prevents more collagen loss at any age after the age of 25, even if you are 60 years or older. In this age category, the need for collagen is greater because your digestive system absorbs nutrients less well. We recommend in this case to maintain the recommended daily allowance of 1 scoop per day, which is also the maximum daily dose.

Preferably 30 minutes before breakfast or just before bedtime. The body absorbs it best this way.

We recommend 1 scoop per day for the first six weeks. Then you can reduce this to 1 scoop every other day. The maximum daily dose is 1 scoop per day.

The secret of Sella’s rejuvenating effect is Collagen Peptides. Bioactive means that the hydrolyzed peptides are much smaller than regular collagen molecules. This allows them to be quickly absorbed by the body through the digestive tract, where they continue on the deep dermis-collagen layer of the skin.

The product is a powder and does not really have a taste. It can be mixed in both hot and cold drinks. Some examples are: juice, milk, water, coffee, tea. But it is also possible to mix it with yogurt or a smoothie. 

Yes. Sella Marine Collagen is manufactured by Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) approved facilities. GMP is a global standard for food production, as well as related industries. We apply internationally recognized GMP to ensure quality and food safety. GMP covers all aspects of production, including standard operating procedures, personnel management and training, equipment maintenance and material handling. It ensures that our products meet all quality, safety and hygiene requirements. We can provide full traceability of ingredients and we apply consistent hygienic conditions within a controlled production process.

The product has not been tested in pregnant and breastfeeding women and is therefore not recommended.

No side effects have been reported from the use of Sella Collagen in combination with medication and/or conditions. If you are unsure or concerned about taking Sella Collagen, consult your doctor before taking the product. If you are being treated by a doctor, first ask for permission.

No. If you still seem to be sensitive/allergic to any of the ingredients in Sella Collagen, halve or stop use and/or consult your doctor for allergy tablets and/or an allergy test.

As a conscientious consumer, you will want to look beyond safety and quality standards to the sustainability of your products as well. With regard to ocean fish products, it is important to ensure that the fishing practices behind these products are properly managed and sustainable. Sustainable fishing means the oceans’ fish population are maintained at healthy and productive levels, the environmental impact of fishing is minimized, the surrounding ecosystems are respected, and the people who depend on fishing can sustain their livelihoods. When creating Sella Collagen, we certainly applied these same standards as well.

Become part of the Sella community

Favorite skin supplement!
Started my third month using this skin product! It is such a treat to drink one scoop of it everyday for the last two months, really going to miss them after I finish taking my last one. The powder dissolves easily and can be combined with almost any drink. Definitely easy to fit in your morning routine. The biggest difference I noticed is that my skin is getting more tight and looks more glowy already. 

Lovely collagen booster

I’ve been using this product for a little over a month now and have already noticed a huge difference in my skin! My skin used to feel dry and chill. Ever since I’ve started using Sella, my skin has become more elastic, healthier, and fresh. You have to take to be committed to take it every day though. Taking them every few days and missing out on your daily dose will not help you.

Amazing results!

I have been looking for a good collagen product forever and I have tried several product  until I found Sella. I ordered a first bottle and literally noticed so much skin improvement. By day 60 I was in shock at the results. If you haven’t tried this you’re missing out.

Ideas on how to improve our product?